DEPARTMENT of Science and Technology (DOST) undersecretary for regional operations, Engr. Sancho A. Mabborang recently graced the “Immersion on Salt Production and Blessing of Salt Facility” activity in Uyugan town in Batanes Province.
The salt production facility was funded through the DOST’s Community Empowerment thru Science and Technology or CEST Program. The project was implemented by DOST – Region 2 led by regional director, Virginia Bilgera in partnership with Mayor Jonathan Nanud Jr. of LGU Uyugan.
USec. Mabborang emphasized how salt can open up a sea of opportunities for the livelihood of coastal communities and for the economic growth of an archipelagic nation like the Philippines. He also echoed DOST Secretary Renato U. Solidum Jr.’s commitment to utilize science, technology and innovation (STI) in reviving the country’s salt industry, in line with the agency’s mantra of #OneDOST4U.

According to DOST Provincial Science and Technology Centers (PSTCs) Batanes Provincial S&T Director Nora Garcia, the project will further expand and improve livelihood opportunities for residents, especially in the production of the one-day old “dibang” (flying fish) that uses salt as a vital component.
Mayor Nanud Jr. on the other hand, thanked DOST for the assistance provided through the project and assured his support to more initiatives of the department in the municipality.
As part of their exposure visit in the province, DOST 10 staff also joined the activity led by regional director Engr. Romela Ratilla. Meanwhile, Mabborang said he looks forward to more projects like this under CEST, highlighting how the program has improved lives and empowered communities in the country through STI. #OneDOST4U. (PAPI/Nelson Santos)